A Day In Portland

If you didn't already know, Filling Spaces is based in Portland and in India. When we're not busy designing new products, photographing textiles and shipping orders we love to explore our city. If you've never been to Portland and are curious about what to do, here's an itinerary of our ideal day.
Start the morning with a smoothie bowl from Canteen, then stroll over to Never Coffee to grab a latte. If you're feeling like something a bit more substantial for breakfast, head to Proud Mary or Sweedeedee.
While you're in Southeast Portland and if you're in the mood for some shopping stop by Spartan Shop for home goods and Palace & Shop Boswell for clothing.
Then head to Tryon Creek for a walk through an old growth forest. If you're looking for an activity in nature but don't want to leave the city check out the Japanese or Chinese Gardens.
After the walk, make your way to Loyly, where you can experience a sauna inspired by the saunas of Scandinavia.
After Loyly head to Angel Face just off of Burnside to grab a drink while you're waiting for your table at Tusk to round out your evening.